[Clam-devel] clam_vmqt files smstools needs

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Sat Mar 31 14:05:05 PDT 2007

En/na David García Garzón ha escrit:
> I tried to compile smstools without having clam_vmqt installed just to see 
> which files are really needed as i did with voice2midi. I attach three lists: 
> all the vmqt files, the ones needed by smstools (126) and the ones to remove 
> (134).
> On the list to remove, some interesting widgets, the NetworkEditor Plots that 
> are not yet implemented in the qt4 NetworkEditor: Plots with history attached 
> to a monitor such NetSpecgramPlot.hxx, NetSinTracksPlot.hxx...
> What do you thing, Pau, should we keep them or let's reimplement them using 
> those nice lock-free structures we are learning?

i'm for a new reimplementation using the existing (qt3) implementations
as reference. doing copy-paste when useful.

so, do we remove them from svn? i fear that removed sources got quickly
forgoten, and i don't know when we (you?) are gonna revamp them.
so i'd move the interesting sources to a new temporl dir ToReimplement/
or similar.

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