[Clam-devel] [Fwd: Sample by Sample Processing in CLAM]

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Thu May 17 07:16:01 PDT 2007

At revision 10125 Xavier's sample-by-sample processings and
networks landed onto the trunk.

Also, I've found and corrected some bugs like repeated
#ifndef/#define __BINARYAUDIOAdd__
in SampleBySample/ headers. Actually I've changed all the ifndef
tags to reflect the file name.

I was not able to run the example network with jack, but i think
it is not related to the audio backend. Because tested with the
OfflinePlayer (i find it more useful everyday) it get stuck
taking a lot of cpu.

./OfflinePlayer example-data/SMSTransposition.clamnetwork 
example-data/jaume-voice.mp3 out.wav

I didn't try it with other config parameters. Xavi, can you check
when OfflinePlayer is working for you and when not. If you have
local modifications, a clean checkout may be worth it.


En/na Xavier Amatriain ha escrit:
> I left the tarball with my local copy of the NetworkEditor in
> http://www.create.ucsb.edu/xavier/temp/NetworkEditorSampleBySample.tar.gz
> New processings are in src/processing/SampleBySample. I also include
> modified TokenDelay (although that one could probably just be committed
> to the trunk) in src/processing.
> Apart from that, modifications in ProcessingTree... and a SampleBySample
> network example in example-data/
> Have fun ;)
> On Wed, 2007-05-16 at 10:46 -0700, Xavier Amatriain wrote:
>> On Wed, 2007-05-16 at 12:55 +0200, Pau Arumi wrote:
>>> what do you mean by "adjust jack's buffer size"? you need to go
>>> changing its value on each jackd activation?
>>> (if you mean that jackd only works with some specific
>>> buffer-size/number of periods. that's a known issue with a lot of
>>> hardware)
>>> anyway i'd like to test it here.
>> Not exactly on each jackd activation but the truth is that depending
>> on the network configuration (for example, the number of delay lines)
>> you can work with some jack values or others.
>>> yes i'd like to test it and integrate it.
>>> how to proceed? if your diff only adds new processings do ahead
>>> commiting them. if it changes ports/flow-control classes (i guess
>>> it does) send the patch first.
>> As I said in my other email, I ended up having to move everything out of
>> CLAM for development purposes. So now I have a new
>> processings/samplebysample folder in NetworkEditor/src. Apart from these
>> new processings all I modified are the ProcessingTreee and
>> RegisterConfiguratorLaunchers in the NetworkEditor source tree. 
>> I think it will be best to do a tarball and send it before moving
>> anything back to the CLAM tree.
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