[Clam-devel] Voice2MIDI

Hernán Ordiales h at ordia.com.ar
Mon Jul 16 12:53:37 PDT 2007

On 7/16/07, David García Garzón <dgarcia at iua.upf.edu> wrote:
> V2M is no using JACK but direct ALSA access. This error is because CLAM can
> not access the soundcard because jack have it. It should be a nicer error,
> though. A regular exception which can be caught by the application or a
> status flag the application could ask after initialization. Any
> volunteer? ;-)

yes, i know that, the same is for SMSTools. Maybe I explained myself
badly... i mean i tried with jackd killed, and also any other audio
app killed too. The same for the musix's user.

To be clear, we get this error without jack running.

btw and being curious, why there isn't Voice2Midi packages (at least
for ubuntu feisty)? it's deprecated? I'm asking because the guy who
made CLAM packages for Musix had problems to build that package...
(debian rules files problem)

> BTW, nice introduction.

I think many people get lost with so many options and features of CLAM
framework, because that i wrote that kind of article.

> The server was ko but i found a copy here:
> http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/buenasenal/message/327

yep :'(
I was without electric power for hours (and server it's at home) for
luck there are copies everywhere (was sent to many related spanish
mailing lists), indeed is in google's cache ;-)

> The backend concept you explain there seems somehow limited. Backend are not
> just jack or portaudio but also Ladspa, VST... which i think is the cool
> thing of having backends.

yes, true. I forgot of this, thanks for the explanation, i'll update
the article with that...

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