[Clam-devel] SMSSynthesys and phase management.

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Tue Mar 13 05:48:24 PDT 2007

(please remember to keep the threads on-list)

En/na Giulio Paci ha escrit:
> Pau Arumi ha scritto:
>> En/na Giulio Paci ha escrit:
>>> in SMSSynthesis.cxx overwrites our phase values.
>>> We saw that we can set an attribute "Type" (in the PhaseManagementConfig
>>> attribute of our SMSSynthesisConfig instance, mSynthConfig) that can be
>>> set to "Align", "Continuation" or "Random".
>>> But we need something that would do nothing. Currently we have commented
>>> out mPhaseMan.Do(inputSinusoidalPeaks); but we think this is a very
>>> bad solution. Is it possible to add something like "None" as a Type
>>> option?
>> my first thought is: yes, a None type would make sense for
>> what you do.
> Ok, then I'm going to write a patch as soon as I can.



> Xavier Amatriain ha scritto:
>> Adding an "original" option might be a good idea but I wonder if it
>> wouldn't be better to introduce your phase preservation algorithm in 
>> PhaseManagement as another option, I am sure other people might be
>> interested in using it or at least seeing how the code work
> At this point we are focusing just in "make things work". As soon as
> we can be sure that all works in the proper way, I suppouse we can
> start thinking introduce the preservation algorithm in PhaseManagement.
> Thank You very much for all Your help and work.
> Giulio.

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