[Clam-devel] Re: compiling clam

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Wed Mar 14 03:30:30 PDT 2007

Hi Vanessa,

Please note that for posting to clam mailing lists you need to be
subscribed. However, I've 'intercepted' your mail.

> Subject: compiling clam
> Vanessa Li <vanessa.li at mail.mcgill.ca>
> Wed, 14 Mar 2007 01:10:20 -0400
> Hi,
> I am having trouble with the linking process due to problems with the 
> fftw library.
> This is what I get when doing 'scons configure':
> ###############################################
> ###############################################
> Checking for C header file sfftw.h... yes
> Checking for C header file srfftw.h... yes
> Checking for fftw_sizeof_fftw_real() in C library sfftw... no
> Could not find libsfftw
> Please check that fftw is properly installed
> And when I invoke 'scons', I get this:
> ld: Undefined symbols:
> _rfftw_create_plan
> _rfftw_destroy_plan
> _rfftw_one
> /usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
> scons: *** [processing/libclam_processing.0.98.0.dylib] Error 1
> scons: building terminated because of errors.
> The library libsfftw.a is located in my /opt/local/lib directory. I've 
> also tried putting a symbolic link in my /usr/local/lib/ directory with 
> no luck. I tried downloading fftw using darwin ports as well as 
> downloading the tar file (2.1.5 version) straight from the site and 
> installing manually. I am running out of ideas so any help would be 
> greatly appreciated! Thank you.
> -Vanessa

I deduce you are in mac osx.
This is our recommended method for compiling clam in mac:


As statet there we use the following macports (was darwinports)
   $ sudo port install xercesc pkgconfig libsndfile libogg libmad 
libvorbis fftw-single fftw cppunit qt3-mac id3lib

So the first thing to check is if you installed both
"fftw-single" and "fftw".  Did you?


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