[Clam-devel] smstools qt4 updates

Zach Welch zach-clam-devel at splitstring.com
Sat Mar 31 14:35:54 PDT 2007

Howdy all,

The attached patch contains updates to SMSTools to use Qt4.  It does not 
contain the converted .ui files, since they would add over 300K to the 
resulting patch.  The process for converting the .ui files is documented in 
the Qt 3 Porting Guide and is left as an exercise to the reader.

These changes require the vmqt patch that I posted to the issue tracker.


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Name: smstools-code-qt4-mark1.patch
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URL: <http://lists.clam-project.org/pipermail/clam-devel-clam-project.org/attachments/20070331/095a1110/attachment-0004.patch>

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