[Clam-devel] SMSTools adopts qtvm files it needs

David García Garzón dgarcia at iua.upf.edu
Mon Apr 2 03:06:00 PDT 2007

I copied the qt4 port to a safe location, reverted SMSTools files and moved 
again the vmqt files. This intermediate commit is even sufficient to build a 
qt4 patch with the moved files and the backup i have. The rest of the files 
in vmqt could be deleted, moved or whatever.

The commit doesn't work in a different system than debian/ubuntu. Some qt path 
are hardcoded, maybe QTDIR location will suffice but no guarantees. 
Additionaly, it uses libGL library so Mac and windows will need it own opengl 

commit 9911

David García Garzón
(Work) dgarcia at iua dot upf anotherdot es
(Home) vokimon at telefonica adot net
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