[Clam-devel] Realtime Gender Change

David García Garzón dgarcia at iua.upf.edu
Mon Apr 2 18:33:31 PDT 2007

I fixed several issues with the SMSGenderChange processing to work realtime.

 * SMSSpectralShapeShift: Fix: SpectralEnvelopeExtract did nothing
   when not enough peaks, and the SpectralEnvelopeApply crashed.
   Now the spectral shape takes into account when the processing
   returns false and just copies the spectrum.
 * SMSGenderChange: Fix: At least copy the input to the output when
   no fundamental found.
 * SMSPitchShift: Disabled the CombFilter as it trashed out the residual
   spectrum in realtime mode. Needs review.

I'm going to commit a network and an interface but if you start the network 
from scratch, remember to activate the SMSAnalysis/SinTracking/IsHarmonic 
configuration flag.

Demos are going to be really funny. ;-)

David García Garzón
(Work) dgarcia at iua dot upf anotherdot es
(Home) vokimon at telefonica adot net
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