[Clam-devel] PATCH: add new ControlArray template

Zach Welch zach-clam-devel at splitstring.com
Fri Apr 6 16:16:19 PDT 2007


The attached patch refactors the functionality of InControlArray and 
OutControlArray into a new template class, ControlArray.  The former types 
are replaced with typedefs of the appropriate port type.  In addition, two 
new methods were added to make the class more generally useful; the Append 
methods are a convenience that I have found useful in a couple of places.
This template can also be used for handling arrays of Ports or PortPublishers.


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URL: <http://lists.clam-project.org/pipermail/clam-devel-clam-project.org/attachments/20070406/0bd21857/attachment-0004.patch>

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