[Clam-devel] QSynth Knob

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Mon Apr 16 03:34:57 PDT 2007

En/na oc2pus at arcor.de ha escrit:
> Am Montag, 16. April 2007 schrieb David García Garzón:
>> A part from pk knobs now we can use QSynth knobs. Those knobs are nicer
>> than qt's default and they are not pixmap based so you can resize them
>> unlike pk's.
> do you know this widgets:
> http://phat.berlios.de/
> PHAT is a collection of GTK+ widgets geared toward pro-audio apps. The goal is 
> to eliminate duplication of effort and provide some standardization (well, at 
> least for GTK+ apps). It's open source software, licensed under the GNU GPL, 
> version 2.0 or later.
> and for OSC related stuff:
> http://khagan.berlios.de/
> Khagan is a live user interface builder for controling parameters via OSC. 
> It's mainly aimed at the Om modular synthesizer.

What a coincidence, yesterday I decided to try out Specimen and I
had a great time playing with it. It's a very good sampler that
also uses Phat. What I basically did was resampling recorded
material and playing with specimen's filters.

So yes, Phat goes very much in our prototyping direction, the
pity is that we don't share the same toolkit, so chances to reuse
code are zero, I think.


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