[Clam-devel] Qt 4.3 and dynamic properties and other cute features

David García Garzón dgarcia at iua.upf.edu
Thu May 31 04:27:59 PDT 2007

Qt 4.3 designer comes funtionality to add dynamic properties  to widgets. 
Dynamic properties have been arround for some versions but designer 
integration really enables it real use. So now it's posible to use widget 
properties instead the name to bind widgets and processings, not just for the 
custom widgets but also to builtin qt widgets.


Other interesting features for clam are:
* the return of the wizards, very enhanced but still not in the designer, and
* the tabbed dock widgets (available on kde apps such kate, kdevelop... but 
not in qt itself since now) which can be used to add features to the side 
processing tree (documentation, configuration editor,

The features i miss the more is custom editors on the property sheet. or at 
least, some specific ones for QColor and QGradient.

David García Garzón
(Work) dgarcia at iua dot upf anotherdot es
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