[Clam-devel] [PATCH] (but don't use it yet) scrolling spectrogram in annotator status

bennett kolasinski bennett.kolasinski at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 15:00:19 PDT 2007

Hi David (& list),
Here's a patch containing what I've been working on as far as scrolling
spectrogram goes.  It is basically a mashup of Keyspace &
vmqt/render/vmSpectrogramRenderer... I'm sending it out to make sure I'm
somewhat on the right track (it compiles and Annotator even will run and
show a blank GL drawing space where the spectrogram will eventually be!).

Right now I'm trying to figure out how to get the data displayed, and then I
have to get it scrolling.  The scrolling will most likely rely upon playback
time information that was being discussed in a thread started by Roman the
other day-- Roman, if you haven't looked into it yet, I can focus on getting
time information out of [Mono/Multichannel]AudioFileReaders.

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