[Clam-devel] [PATCH] switch to new registrator for spacialization

David García Garzón dgarcia at iua.upf.edu
Sun Aug 12 09:22:40 PDT 2007


With that feature done, another one i need for the portmonitors seems just a 
step beyond.

I would like to register multiple times a single Pormonitor processing (i.e. 
one that takes the magnitude of the spectrum and offers it as a raw 'float 
array' data source). Each registry entry would be done with a different key 
each one associated to different embeded widgets which takes such float array 
(SpectrumView, BarGraph, Ranking, Scrolling Spectrogram...). The problem here 
is that a key doesn't match with the class name which disturbs xml network 
serialization. I think you solved such problem with Ladspa (single class, 
multiple keys), can the solution be neatly applied to the portmonitor 

El Sunday 12 August 2007 13:25:13 Andreas Calvo va escriure:
> This patch improves the way the plugins are registered against the factory.
> Now you can declare an array with all your pair of data as follows:
>     static const char* metadata[] = {
>         "key", "MyConcreteType",
>         "category", "CLAM",
>         "description", "MyConcreteType",
>         0
>     };
>     static FactoryRegistrator<ProcessingFactory, MyConcreteType> reg =
> metadata;

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