[Clam-devel] [PATCH] CardinalVowel Control, doxygen documentation for formant extractor

abe kazemzadeh kazemzad at usc.edu
Thu Aug 16 00:30:35 PDT 2007

Hi All,

Here's a patch that I've been working on.  It takes an input between 0 and 1
and outputs two formant values (for use with the vowel resonator).  The
input represents the location of the vowel with respect to cardinal vowels,
eight evenly spaced vowels that start with iy (high front vowel) -> ey -> eh
-> ae (low front vowel) -> aa (low back vowel) -> ao -> ow -> uw (high back
 It can be thought of as a mapping from a one dimensional control (slider
to a 2D one (formants 1 and 2).  To visualise it, you can think of
marking 8 vowels in the control surface, connecting them, and then
projecting the 2d curve into 1d.

Some issues:
* I had trouble getting
the class to be registered from CLAM/pluggins/speech, so I just
compiled it in CLAM/src/Processing/Controls and registered it manually
in NetworkEditor/src/ProcessingTree.cxx.
 Pau, do you know how I can do this in CLAM/pluggins/speech?  Let me know
and I can put it there.
* right now I just manually fit a function for each formant.  It would be
cool to do this process automatically (the user could make custom wah-wah
petals -- between different vowels besides just uw and aa
-- by giving a series of vowels ).
* Right now, I have a control for # of steps.  I'm planning to use this to
make discrete vowels instead of continuous blending as one moves the input

this patch is in the attached file:

the patch to register this with the NetworkEditor is:

Here's a network to test it out with:

I'm also including a small patch with doxygen documentation for the
FormantExtractor class:

Let me know if anyone has any feedback... Thanks,
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