[Clam-devel] Please test macosx dmg (only intel)
eduard aylon
eduard.aylon at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 14:41:12 PST 2007
Works kind of ok on a MacBook Pro 15", as I had a few crashes while
playing around with it.
A few things I've noticed (well, I just played with it for 10 minutes):
-There seems to be quite a latency when playing, is it the same for you?
-Oscillator (not simple oscillator) seems to work strangely. For
instance setting amplitude=0 doesn't affect the volume at all. Or
changing modIndex doesn't cause any changes in the resulting sound...
-It'd be nice to have an Audio2Control converter, is it implemented
already? I couldn't find it anywhere.
-Could it be that, let's say, a generator which is not connected to a
sink runs/ticks anyway?
-My computer froze when connecting:
-> rfftw -> spectrum_view
SquareWave |
-> audio_sink:0
and then resizing SpectrumView. I have just tried it once...
-SpectrumView input reads "input", but maybe should say "Spectrum Input"
-It is difficult to "read/visualise" the spectrum as it seems to go
out of the "display". Only when playing an oscillator at minimum
amplitud (i.e. 0.01), I can see it completely. Also it seems it only
uses log scale, is that right?
- Even when no audiosink is added to the net, NetworkEditor seems to
be accessing my sound card as I can hear a click when hitting play
but just wanting to display a Spectrum.
All in all, It looks REALLY GREAT and I will keep playing with it.
Congratulations and thanks for all your work!!
BTW: On the annotator site, I have to say it also runs on my
computer. I don't know if it is ready to do more than just playing
audio. But at least I could load wav files (not mp3 (they do load,
but don't play) or aiff (neither load nor play) ).
On Jan 23, 2007, at 8:43 PM, Pau Arumi wrote:
> a new day and a new package!
> now it is turn for networkeditor:
> http://clam.iua.upf.edu/download/mac/cvssnapshots/
> CLAM_NetworkEditor-0.4.3-CVS-20070123.dmg
> as always, test please and report
> still to-do: add network examples and other binaries (prototyper
> and qtdesigner), and ppc version of course.
> good news are that now, building new bundles (and dmgs) is super
> easy since we integrated all the stuff in a new scons tool.
> for instance this is all Annotator and NetworkEditor SConstruct
> knows about mac bundles:
> mac_bundle = env.Bundle(
> BUNDLE_NAME='NetworkEditor',
> BUNDLE_PLIST='resources/Info.plist',
> BUNDLE_ICON='resources/CLAM.icns',
> )
> Pau & David
> for the record, find attached a cleaned and enhanced version of the
> script that add all dependent libraries to the bundle and fixes
> external links.
> --
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> believed to be clean.
> #! /opt/local/bin/python
> import os, glob
> import sys
> def run(command) :
> print "\033[32m:: ", command, "\033[0m"
> return os.system(command)
> def norun(command) :
> print "\033[31mXX ", command, "\033[0m"
> def needsChange(binary, blacklist) :
> #with python2.5 we could just return all([not binary.startswith
> (blacksheep) for blacksheep in blacklist])
> for blacksheep in blacklist :
> if binary.startswith( blacksheep ) :
> print "found blackseep", binary
> return False
> return True
> def libDependencies(binary, visited, blacklist) :
> print "examining", binary
> for line in os.popen("otool -L "+binary).readlines()[1:] :
> entry = line.split()[0]
> if entry in visited : continue
> if not needsChange( entry, blacklist ) : continue
> visited.append( entry )
> libDependencies( entry, visited, blacklist )
> def addDependentLibs( bundle ) :
> binaries = glob.glob(bundle+"/Contents/MacOS/*")
> doNotChange = [
> "/System/",
> "/usr/lib/",
> "@executable_path/",
> ]
> libsPath = []
> for binary in binaries :
> libDependencies(binary, libsPath, doNotChange)
> print libsPath
> libs = [ (os.path.basename(path), path) for path in libsPath ]
> run("mkdir -p %(bundle)s/Contents/Frameworks/" % locals() )
> vars = {}
> # copy all dependent libs to the bundle and change its id
> (relative path to the bundle)
> for lib, path in libs :
> run("cp %(path)s %(bundle)s/Contents/Frameworks/%(lib)s" % locals
> () )
> run("install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/%(lib)s
> %(bundle)s/Contents/Frameworks/%(lib)s" % locals() )
> # fix binary dependencies
> for current in binaries :
> for lib, libpath in libs :
> run("install_name_tool -change %(libpath)s @executable_path/../
> Frameworks/%(lib)s %(current)s" % locals() )
> # fix libs dependencies
> for current, _ in libs :
> for lib, libpath in libs :
> run("install_name_tool -change %(libpath)s @executable_path/../
> Frameworks/%(lib)s %(bundle)s/Contents/Frameworks/%(current)s" %
> locals() )
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> addDependentLibs( "Annotator.app" )
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