[Clam-devel] all dmgs for both ppc and intel macs

Xavier Amatriain xavier at create.ucsb.edu
Sun Feb 4 23:55:48 PST 2007

Pau Arumi wrote:
> Christopher Tignor wrote:
>> On my OS 10.3.9 PPC system dragging any object into the 
>> NewtworkEditor produces the message:
>> the processing type "<object>" is not supported
> it seems like if the processing factory of libclam_processing is not 
> working.
> please check if those processings do work (allows to be dragged)
> OneOverF, Random, RandomPitches, SMSTranspose, SquareWave
> the particularity of these 5 processings are defined in NetworkEditor 
> and not in libclam_processing.
> xavi, can you repeat this bug?
The NetworkEditor works fine for me in the powerpc, could it have 
something to do with not
having the path defined for the libraries?

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