[Clam-devel] Re: clam 0.98 src and suse packages

oc2pus at arcor.de oc2pus at arcor.de
Fri Feb 23 10:17:45 PST 2007

Am Freitag, 23. Februar 2007 schrieb Pau Arumi:
> hi toni,
> I think all the changes you did are now somhow in svn and newest source
> snapshots: the ones ending with ~svn09745.tar.gz, here:
> http://clam.iua.upf.edu/download/src/svnsnapshots/
> we've commited:
> * including libz for id3 checking.
> * disabled cppunit dependency in NetworkEditor/SConstruct
> * qt includes: now it works relative to QTDIR if defined (should be used
> in all platforms but Debian) or hardcoded for Debian.
> thanks for the script for finding qt3 and qt4. we'll have a look, but by
> now i think the current solution is not bad.
I'll test the new snapshots tomorrow and give you feedback.

> we've not commited this change (in NetworkEditor/SConstruct)
> --- SConstruct	2006-12-29 22:13:08.000000000 +0100
> +++ SConstruct	2007-01-30 21:57:03.000000000 +0100
> @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
>  	'QtXml',
>  #	'QtSvg',
>  	'QtUiTools',
> -#	'QtDesigner',
> +	'QtDesigner',
>  #	'Qt3Support',
>  	], debug=False)
> is it really needed in suse? if so, what problem it solves?
ok, I did a recompile without this patch and it seems this patch is obsolet. 
Perhaps a side-effect fromfiddling out the right settings for the qt-values 
for each sub-package.

As I looked at my build.log I saw that you inject a "unnecessary" path to the 
== Copying and updating includes : core/include/CLAM/Flags.hxx
g++ -o 
core/src/Flags.os -c -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -fPIC -DCLAM_FLOAT -DUSE_PTHREADS=1 -DUSE_XERCES_TRUE -DCLAM_USE_XML -DUSE_LADSPA=1 -DCLAM_MODULE='"core"' -Icore/include -I/usr/lib/qt3/include -I/usr/local/include 

/usr/local/include is obsolet, as I build for "final" systems and install the 
software in /usr/*. Normally it doesn't hurt, but it could if someone has 
some files laying around in /usr/local, they are "grabbed" before the 
mentioned files and this could lead to annoying errors.

If you want to remove some "warnings" to improve your sources, I can send you 
my build logfile ? There are some warnings (new line at end of source 
missing, unused variables, passing uncasted variables, comparison between 
signed and unsigned, ...), nothing to worry. As I'm also a programmer, I keep 
always an eye on it ... oc2pus is watching you :)

> i'm not sure if fernando received the toni's suse spec. i'm attaching it
> now just in case it might be useful. to avoid loosing such mails i
> suggest both of you to subscribe clam-devel. of course i understand if
> you don't; it is *another* high-traffic list...
I'm subscribed to the list, but I have forgotten to change my email-addy in 
the last mail I sended to the list. My sieve-filters are doing sometimes the 
wrong things ... and so the sending email adress is wrong selected from 
kmail. Sorry for that.

> thanks a lot to both of you!
you're welcome :)

> pau

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