[Clam-devel] Hello Clam

Xavier Amatriain xavier at create.ucsb.edu
Thu Apr 12 10:52:49 PDT 2007

Hi Abe, and welcome to the (growing) CLAM family ;)

As you might have found in the web app I am formally mentoring so feel
free to get in touch off-list.

As far as your involvement these first weeks it's important you get
everything "up and runnig" asap. That means you should be ready to
compile your clam project/extensions and understand how the process
works. That would probably keep you busy for some days ;)

Don't forget to read the documentation in the wiki. What OS are you
using for development?

On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 10:05 -0700, abe wrote:
> Hello Clam Developers,
> Yesterday I found out that I was one of the accepted applicants for 
> Google Summer of Code.  I let it sink it a bit and decided to email the 
> list to introduce myself since most likely I'll be using this list a lot 
> in the coming months.  My name is Abe Kazemzadeh and I'm at the 
> University of Southern California SAIL lab studying computer science 
> with an emphasis in natural language and speech processing.  In my 
> application, I mentioned that I was interested in the vowel synthesizer 
> and adding speech processing-related functionality to Clam.
> Sorry, no technical questions today, but if anyone has advice about 
> things I can do to get started, that would be nice.  I played around 
> with an earlier version of clam (c. December) and started learning Qt.  
> I'll be kind of busy with school until May, but I will definitely play 
> around with the latest version and follow any suggestions about what I 
> can do to get up to speed. 
> I'm happy to have this opportunity to work with you all and thanks for 
> your consideration of my application!
> Abe
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 *       Xavier Amatriain        *
 *  Associate Director - MATi    *
 *  Research Director - CREATE   *
 *    UCSB, Santa Barbara CA     *
 *      1-(805)- 893 83 52       *

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