[Clam-devel] SDIFIn question.

Giulio Paci giuliopaci at interfree.it
Thu Apr 26 07:34:41 PDT 2007

Hi to all,
    some day ago I had modified some code that loads some SDIF files
using the SDIFIn reader.
    Our program was using the same reader, with the same (default)
options to load all the SDIF files. I decided to change this behavior
and to use a new SDIFIn reader for each SDIF file.

    I was surprised that the output of my program (wav file, synthesized
from loaded segments) changed. So I investigated the SDIFIn reader
and I found that LoadSDIFDataIntoSegment() (called from Do()) changes
mLastCenterTime and mPrevIndexArray.

Stop() doesn't clean these fields. I was wondering if this is the desired
behavior, 'cause I don't know what this implies (And why we may want
to load segment in different ways, depending on what we have already

I attached a patch that make Stop() cleaning these two fields too. If the
actual behavior is not the intended one.

Any way I would be very happy to know how SDIF reading should work
and why.

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