[Clam-devel] CLAM, Scons... and Eclipse

Xavier Amatriain xavier at create.ucsb.edu
Tue May 1 17:05:17 PDT 2007

My mini-tutorial for working with CLAM from Eclipse. I am feeling my
vim/Emacs/XCode/Visual days are finally coming to an end.


The page is indexed from the devel main page but maybe if other people
try it out we might want to promote it.

On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 16:47 -0700, Xavier Amatriain wrote:
> I had not used Eclipse for some time now and I thought it was worth
> giving a try. Especially since I found out it now has a Scons plugin
> [1].
> My first experiments are really, really promising. Just load CLAM into
> the IDE, tell it is a Scons project and let it roll! Even if you leave
> the "automatic compilation" feature it seems to work fairly well (albeit
> slow at some points).
> I'll investigate some more and send my conclusions but as a first
> approach I think we even might be interested in supporting Eclipse as
> the "recommended IDE" for CLAM. Considering it is cross-platform, Open
> Source, and supports Scons...
> Btw, if you want to try it out yourself, appart from the Scons plugin,
> remember to install Eclipse-cdt for C++ development (all available in
> major Linux distributions as standard packages).
> [1]
> http://nic-nac-project.de/~lothar/eclipse/update/SConsBuilderPlugin.html
 *       Xavier Amatriain        *
 *  Associate Director - MATi    *
 *  Research Director - CREATE   *
 *    UCSB, Santa Barbara CA     *
 *      1-(805)- 893 83 52       *

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