[Clam-devel] [Fwd: Sample by Sample Processing in CLAM]

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Wed May 23 12:14:10 PDT 2007

Xavier Amatriain wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-05-17 at 16:16 +0200, Pau Arumi wrote:
>> At revision 10125 Xavier's sample-by-sample processings and
>> networks landed onto the trunk.
> I just realized that this was added to NetworkEditor/processing instead
> of CLAM/src/processing. Is that the way it should be? As I said I only
> had it there for developing purposes but I think it should go into CLAM.

yes it's a TODO. but let's make it work correctly first.

>> I was not able to run the example network with jack, but i think
>> it is not related to the audio backend. Because tested with the
>> OfflinePlayer (i find it more useful everyday) it get stuck
>> taking a lot of cpu.
>> ./OfflinePlayer example-data/SMSTransposition.clamnetwork 
>> example-data/jaume-voice.mp3 out.wav
> I don't understand. *What* is not working with jack? My example? Or the 
> SMSTransposition example?

oops sorry! i did the wrong copy-paste. forget about 
smstranspositon. i did all my tests with your example.

> If it is my example this sounds like you did not commit the TokenDelay
> patch to CLAM/src/Processing/Transformations (actually I see the log and
> it is not there). Let me know if you want me to do that.

i should have forgotten that. yes, better you do it yourself.


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