[Clam-devel] Last commits: two API changes

Hernán Ordiales h at ordia.com.ar
Mon Jun 18 16:24:54 PDT 2007

On 6/18/07, Pau Arumi <parumi at iua.upf.edu> wrote:
> En/na Hernán Ordiales ha escrit:>  >
>  > (...)
> >
> > i don't know what could have happened, any clues?
> This is strange. Processing::IsRunning() was in Processing.hxx
> (public) from revision 10238. It seems like CLAM didn't install ok,
> after the update...

first: how can i do to configure the language of my compiler output to
post errors better in this list?

i don't know if i explained well, but (yesterday) i finally managed to
compile all, but i had to download all the source again (did not reach
with clean and rebuild) apply my patch with my changes and rebuild

the only issue is i got segmentation fault when i ran prototyper

since updates from today, problems again, my procedure is:

svn up
(i check for conflicts, but there isn't)
scons install
cd ../NetworkEditor

and i get this:
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Loading qt4 tool...
Loading nsis tool...
Lodading dmg tool...
Version:  1.1.1
Package version:  1.1.1~svn10251
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
== Compiling src/RegisterConfiguratorLaunchers_Spectral.cxx
src/RegisterConfiguratorLaunchers_Spectral.cxx:32: error:
'SpectrumProductConfig' no es un miembro de 'CLAM'
src/RegisterConfiguratorLaunchers_Spectral.cxx:32: error:
'SpectrumProductConfig' no es un miembro de 'CLAM'
src/RegisterConfiguratorLaunchers_Spectral.cxx:32: error: el argumento
de plantilla 1 es inválido
src/RegisterConfiguratorLaunchers_Spectral.cxx:32: error: el argumento
de plantilla 1 es inválido
src/RegisterConfiguratorLaunchers_Spectral.cxx:32: error: invalid type
in declaration before '(' token
src/RegisterConfiguratorLaunchers_Spectral.cxx:32: error: conversión
inválida de 'const char*' a 'int'
src/RegisterConfiguratorLaunchers_Spectral.cxx:32: aviso: se definió
'regSpectrumProductConfig' pero no se usa
scons: *** [src/RegisterConfiguratorLaunchers_Spectral.o] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
GnuPG: 0xEE8A3FE9

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