[Clam-devel] adding frames to a segment
Xavier Amatriain
xavier at create.ucsb.edu
Wed Jun 20 17:13:22 PDT 2007
Hi Greg,
The Do(segment) overload in SpectralAnalysis expects to have a usable
frame wherever the currentFrameIndex in the segment is pointing.
All frame initialization or addition to the segment should be done
outside. Look at the code in the SpectralAnalysis::Do method:
On the other hand (and pretty inconsistently, I must say) the
SMSAnalysis class does handle this issue internally so it *does* manage the
addition of new frames into an empty Segment. Although I am not keen on
this happening inside of a Do operation, it is clearly a good place
to look to see what exactly you will need to do in your code:
Hope it helps!
Greg Kellum wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying to get CLAM to load an audio file, analyze it, and
> write the results to an SDIF file. So far I have CLAM reading audio
> into a segment, but when I give this segment to the class
> SpectralAnalysis everything goes down with a null pointer exception
> because the segment doesn't yet have any frames. I'm not sure what I
> need to do here. I could create a new Frame object and add it to the
> Segment's frame list, but there must be a class that is responsible
> for chopping the audio data into frames. So, I really shouldn't need
> to do this. The question is what class does this? After one loads
> audio data into a Segment what does one have to do to create the list
> of frames before passing the Segment on to the analysis routine?
> I've included an example file below that illustrates what I'm talking
> about. The null pointer exception comes at the line
> while (aSpectralAnalysis.Do( aSegment )) {}
> And it's thrown inside the SpectralAnalysis object when that object
> tries to access a Frame object that doesn't exist.
> Best,
> Greg
> #include "SimpleOscillator.hxx"
> #include "SMSAnalysisCore.hxx "
> #include "SMSAnalysisConfig.hxx"
> #include "SMSSynthesis.hxx"
> #include "Audio.hxx"
> #include "Frame.hxx"
> #include "Segment.hxx"
> #include "AudioOutPort.hxx "
> #include "MonoAudioFileReader.hxx"
> #include "AudioDatabaseReader.hxx"
> #include "Network.hxx"
> #include "SpectralAnalysis.hxx"
> #include "SpectralPeakDetect.hxx "
> #include "Spectrum.hxx"
> #include "SpectralPeakArray.hxx"
> #include "SDIFOut.hxx"
> #include "SpectralAnalysis.hxx"
> #include "SpectralAnalysisConfig.hxx"
> #include "AudioFileIn.hxx"
> #include "AudioFileConfig.hxx"
> #define AUDIO_IN_FILE
> "/Users/greg/Music/samples/MyPatches/EBowGuitarWav/EBow_Guitar_A4_RS.wav"
> #define SDIF_OUT_FILE
> "/Users/greg/Music/samples/MyPatches/EBowGuitarSDIF/EBow_Guitar_A4_RS_cmd.sdif"
> class SDIFWriterApp;
> class SDIFWriterApp
> {
> public:
> void setUp()
> {
> }
> CLAM::SMSSynthesis mSynthesis;
> const int helperResAnalWindowSize() { return 1025; }
> // const int helperAnalWindowSize() { return 2049; }
> const int helperAnalWindowSize() { return 1025; }
> const int helperAnalHopSize() {return 512;}
> //TODO: fix. it runs but produces a broken sinusoidal
> void testAnalysisSynthesis() //no segment, no frame just streaming
> inner data
> {
> // CLAM::ErrAssertionFailed::breakpointInCLAMAssertEnabled = true;
> unsigned int buffersize = 1024;
> int samplerate = 44100;
> int frameSize = 2048;
> CLAM::Segment aSegment = CLAM::Segment();
> std::string filename = std::string(AUDIO_IN_FILE);
> LoadSound(filename, aSegment);
> aSegment.SetFramesArray(CLAM::List<CLAM::Frame>());
> aSegment.SetChildren(CLAM::List<CLAM::Segment>());
> aSegment.mCurrentFrameIndex=0;
> CLAM::SpectralAnalysisConfig aSpectralAnalysisConfig;
> aSpectralAnalysisConfig.SetprHopSize( 256 );
> aSpectralAnalysisConfig.SetprZeroPadding ( 2 );
> aSpectralAnalysisConfig.SetprFFTSize( 2048 );
> std::cout << "About to request audio from the segment." <<
> std::endl;
> CLAM::Audio theAudio = aSegment.GetAudio ();
> std::cout << "Retrieved " << theAudio.GetDuration() << "
> milliseconds of audio from the segment." << std::endl;
> CLAM::SpectralAnalysis aSpectralAnalysis(
> aSpectralAnalysisConfig );
> aSpectralAnalysis.Start();
> while (aSpectralAnalysis.Do( aSegment )) {}
> aSpectralAnalysis.Stop();
> CLAM::SDIFOutConfig theSDIFOutConfig;
> theSDIFOutConfig.SetEnableFundFreq (false);
> theSDIFOutConfig.SetEnablePeakArray(true);
> theSDIFOutConfig.SetEnableResidual(true);
> theSDIFOutConfig.SetFileName( SDIF_OUT_FILE );
> theSDIFOutConfig.SetFrameSize(frameSize);
> theSDIFOutConfig.SetSamplingRate(samplerate);
> theSDIFOutConfig.SetSpectrumSize(buffersize);
> CLAM::SDIFOut theSDIFOut(theSDIFOutConfig);
> theSDIFOut.Start();
> int nFrames = aSegment.GetnFrames();
> for( int i=0; i<nFrames; i++ )
> {
> theSDIFOut.Do( aSegment.GetFrame( i ) );
> }
> theSDIFOut.Stop( );
> //myMonoAudioFileReader.Stop();
> }
> // helper methods for the network tests
> const CLAM::SMSAnalysisConfig& helperAnalysisConfigInstance()
> {
> int analHopSize = 512;
> // analHopSize= (resAnalWindowSize-1)/2 ;
> // int synthFrameSize = analHopSize;
> int analZeroPaddingFactor= 2;
> // SMS Analysis configuration
> static CLAM::SMSAnalysisConfig analConfig;
> analConfig.SetSinWindowSize(helperAnalWindowSize() );
> analConfig.SetHopSize(analHopSize);
> //
> analConfig.SetSinWindowType(mGlobalConfig.GetAnalysisWindowType());
> analConfig.SetSinZeroPadding (analZeroPaddingFactor);
> analConfig.SetResWindowSize( helperResAnalWindowSize() );
> //
> analConfig.SetResWindowType(mGlobalConfig.GetResAnalysisWindowType());
> // analConfig.GetPeakDetect().SetMagThreshold(
> mGlobalConfig.GetAnalysisPeakDetectMagThreshold());
> //
> analConfig.GetPeakDetect().SetMaxFreq(mGlobalConfig.GetAnalysisPeakDetectMaxFreq());
> //
> analConfig.GetSinTracking().SetIsHarmonic(mGlobalConfig.GetAnalysisHarmonic
> ());
> //
> analConfig.GetFundFreqDetect().SetReferenceFundFreq(mGlobalConfig.GetAnalysisReferenceFundFreq());
> //
> analConfig.GetFundFreqDetect().SetLowestFundFreq(mGlobalConfig.GetAnalysisLowestFundFreq());
> //
> analConfig.GetFundFreqDetect().SetHighestFundFreq(mGlobalConfig.GetAnalysisHighestFundFreq());
> return analConfig;
> }
> const CLAM::SMSSynthesisConfig & helperSynthesisConfigInstance()
> {
> static CLAM::SMSSynthesisConfig synthConfig;
> int synthFrameSize = helperAnalHopSize();
> synthConfig.SetAnalWindowSize( helperResAnalWindowSize() );
> synthConfig.SetFrameSize (synthFrameSize);
> synthConfig.SetHopSize(synthFrameSize);
> return synthConfig;
> }
> bool LoadSound(const std::string& filename, CLAM::Segment& segment)
> {
> CLAM::AudioFileIn myAudioFileIn;
> CLAM::AudioFileConfig infilecfg;
> infilecfg.SetFilename(filename);
> infilecfg.SetFiletype(CLAM::EAudioFileType::eWave);
> if(!myAudioFileIn.Configure(infilecfg))
> {
> std::cout << "Configuration of audio file failed. Does
> file exist?" << std::endl;
> return false;
> }
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> // Initialization of the processing data objects :
> CLAM::TSize fileSize= myAudioFileIn.Size();
> int mSamplingRate = int(myAudioFileIn.SampleRate());
> // Spectral Segment that will actually hold data
> float duration=fileSize/mSamplingRate;
> segment.SetEndTime(duration);
> segment.SetSamplingRate(mSamplingRate);
> segment.mCurrentFrameIndex=0;
> segment.GetAudio().SetSize(fileSize);
> segment.GetAudio().SetSampleRate(mSamplingRate);
> //Read Audio File
> myAudioFileIn.Start();
> bool response = myAudioFileIn.Do(segment.GetAudio());
> myAudioFileIn.Stop();
> return true;
> }
> };
> int main(int argc,char** argv)
> {
> // try
> // {
> SDIFWriterApp app;
> app.testAnalysisSynthesis();
> std::cout << "all done" << std::endl;
> /*
> }
> catch(Err error)
> {
> error.Print();
> std::cerr << "Abnormal Program Termination" << std::endl;
> return -1;
> }
> catch (std::exception e)
> {
> std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
> return -1;
> }
> */
> return 0;
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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