[Clam-devel] [PATCH] tonal analysis with configuration - episode 2
David García Garzón
dgarcia at iua.upf.edu
Mon Jul 9 05:27:59 PDT 2007
'clam' repository contains just distributed data but we also have a different
repository 'clam-test-data' which contains a lot of data to do tests.
Anyway, chord extraction was developed in a different repository and i have
some test waves i should upload to the public test data repository. It
contains pure tone chords and some clean guitar rifts. Added to my todo list.
On Monday 09 July 2007 07:43:10 Hernán Ordiales wrote:
> On 7/7/07, Roman Goj <roman.goj at gmail.com> wrote:
> [snip]
> > Btw. are there any "dead simple" test signals for CLAM? The included
> > songs are nice, but I'd love to have something even simpler and very
> > obvious for testing and with graded complexity... i.e. play a single
> > note... play "happy birthday" with single notes... play "happy birthday"
> > with chords and single notes... play "happy birthday" with a simphony
> > orchestra and finally... make a jazzman play "happy birthday" ;) And of
> > course a woman and a man to sing it... I know it's best to present CLAM
> > with some nice complex sounds but it's easier for testing and learning
> > about the algorithm (for me or future clam users) to have simple signals
> > (I guess...) (also my supervisor pointed out, while I was doing a
> > presentation on analysing music with STFT, Constant Q, Matching Pursuit
> > that I should really be using a clean Wave file for testing how the
> > actuall algorithm works, not an mp3... I'm definitely not an expert in
> > how mp3s work, but according to my supervisor one might "tune in on the
> > algorithm parameters" for a specific encoding scheme, so it might be
> > better to use waves to be general... what's you opinion on this?) ...So
> > could I add myself a future TODO - record/find in the public domain
> > these simple signals or are they already there or should I not waste my
> > time on it anyway?
> i think CLAM only provides mp3 only as matter of space... anyway a
> couple of short examples in wav or links wouldn't hurt
> maybe look here? http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/
> I can't see your point clearly, you also could tune an algorithm to a
> fixed example... I think main problem it's about lossy property of
> mp3... (basically you're losing spectra and resolution... and if you
> chain encodings would be worst and worst)
> [snip]
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