[Clam-devel] some changes to CLAM's base repository

Greg Kellum greg.kellum at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 10:31:56 PDT 2007

Hi Pau,

Responses to your comments follow...

> Why? Do you get conflicts? I think you should get clean
> updates/merges. Maybe we have a problem with the file format. Any
> clues?

No, I have no clue why I get conflicts, although it's good to know  
that I'm the only one that does.  I'll look into it...

> Most of the different lines in your patch seems to be related to a
> different encoding of end-of-lines. This is pretty inconvenient for
> working with patches. And probably related with your (I suppose)
> conflicts when svn updating.
> Maybe also related: I got rejections when applying your patch
> against current svn.

Yes, most of the lines in the patch weren't changes at all which is  
pretty annoying.  Maybe I can fix this by playing around with the  
settings of my editor...

> -private:
> +protected:
> 	virtual void SetupPriorityPolicy();
> This change shouldn't be done if possible. Actually I remember
> privatizing it because calling it when the thread was running
> didn't work. The priority should be set up at construction time.
> Are you sure you need it? (maybe sending the user code helps)

Yes, I'm sure I need to make this change.   The reason is that you  
need it to start a new thread, and I can't use the LaunchThread  
method in the Thread class, because it calls pthread_exit() after the  
thread returns from its run method.  pthread_exit() kills the thread,  
and as I'm pooling threads, I don't want them to be killed after they  
stop running.

> +	/** Copies all of the spectral peak data from the given objects
> +		member arrays --
> +		FreqBuffer, MagBuffer, PhaseBuffer, BinPosBuffer, BinWidthBuffer,
> +		and IndexArray -- to the member arrays of this object.
> +		Copies the properties Scale and MinimizeResizes too. */
> +	void CopyMembers(SpectralPeakArray& sourceSpectralPeakArray);
> +
> Can you explain its motivation?

Well, we talked on Wednesday about my copying the frames of data read  
out of an SDIF file to the SpectralPeakArray and ResidualSpectrums  
objects of the OutPort of the processing.  Well, this is a helper  
method to help me copy the data of one SpectralPeakArray object to  
another SpectralPeakArray object.  As it copies all of the members of  
the SpectralPeakArray object, it's general enough to go into the  
SpectralPeakArray class.  Unfortunately, the same wasn't true of the  
code that I have copying members of one Spectrum to the other Spectrum.


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