[Clam-devel] Re: asking for advice about a callgrind session (sms harmonizer)
Hernán Ordiales
h at ordia.com.ar
Mon Aug 6 15:44:48 PDT 2007
On 8/4/07, Xavier Amatriain <xavier at create.ucsb.edu> wrote:
> Hernán Ordiales wrote:
> > hi! I'm testing both with elvis demo voice at SMSTools and with mic input voice
> >
> > There are audible demos here: http://audiores.uint8.com.ar/blog/?p=124
> >
> Sorry, I had not seen the demos in the post.
Maybe because I've added online streaming for those and that only
works from my blog, not from planet ( but links should be there from
first, next time I'l try to be more explicit :-) ... well in fact I
already changed it)
> Ok, this is for me a known problem meaning that I have experienced this
> exact problem before. Unfortunately
> this is all I remember now and I will have to dig in my memory. This is
> definitely not related with performance
> issues, it is a bug somewhere in the process. Again, it reminds me of
> something I thought I fixed long time ago
> but will have to check the logs (maybe something related with outputting
> non-valid fundamental frequency
> values would create a similar artifact...).
I hope you can remember it :-)
meanwhile i'll take that as a good clue... and i'll try to find
something in the logs
>Do you have the same result
> when you do a Harmonizer, or a PitchShift
> in SMSTools.
I'm still have to test it in SMSTools... it was very buggy to me and
always crashing so because that, most of time I only read its code...
now, for example when i try to harmonize a sound, crashes again...
btw: i was renaming some classes as i arranged with parumi because
some conflicts between smstools and NE implementations, anyway, to
avoid any conflict with that, i also tested with 1.1 version
when i try to 'apply' a harmonizer transformation, i get:
################### ASSERTION FAILED #####################
At file scons/libs/core/include/CLAM/Processing.hxx line 392
Configuring a Processing with a configuration not being the proper type.
[0] /home/hordia/dev/local/clam_v110clean/lib/libclam_core.so.1(_ZN4CLAM13DumpBacktraceERSo+0x2c)
[1] /home/hordia/dev/local/clam_v110clean/lib/libclam_core.so.1 [0xb75e420d]
[2] /home/hordia/dev/local/clam_v110clean/lib/libclam_core.so.1(_ZN4CLAM18ErrAssertionFailedC1EPKcS2_i+0x5f)
[3] /home/hordia/dev/local/clam_v110clean/lib/libclam_processing.so.1(_ZNK4CLAM10Processing20CopyAsConcreteConfigINS_25FrameTransformationConfigEEEvRT_RKNS_16ProcessingConfigE+0x6e)
[4] /home/hordia/dev/local/clam_v110clean/lib/libclam_processing.so.1(_ZN4CLAM13SMSHarmonizer17ConcreteConfigureERKNS_16ProcessingConfigE+0x2f)
[5] /home/hordia/dev/local/clam_v110clean/lib/libclam_core.so.1(_ZN4CLAM10Processing9ConfigureERKNS_16ProcessingConfigE+0xed)
[6] ./SMSTools [0x81cce80]
[7] /home/hordia/dev/local/clam_v110clean/lib/libclam_core.so.1(_ZN4CLAM10Processing9ConfigureERKNS_16ProcessingConfigE+0xed)
[8] ./SMSTools [0x81a02c7]
[9] ./SMSTools [0x81a0413]
[10] ./SMSTools [0x819ebec]
[11] ./SMSTools [0x8199688]
[12] ./SMSTools [0x81ef73a]
[13] ./SMSTools [0x82020f2]
[14] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QObject15activate_signalEP15QConnectionListP8QUObject+0x12f)
[15] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QObject15activate_signalEi+0x162) [0xb7a34330]
[16] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QAction9activatedEv+0x2e) [0xb7de8014]
[17] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QAction18internalActivationEv+0x56) [0xb7b9db28]
[18] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QAction9qt_invokeEiP8QUObject+0x14c)
[19] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QObject15activate_signalEP15QConnectionListP8QUObject+0x12f)
[20] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QSignal6signalERK8QVariant+0xae) [0xb7dbfae0]
[21] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QSignal8activateEv+0x86) [0xb7a5381e]
[22] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QPopupMenu17mouseReleaseEventEP11QMouseEvent+0x509)
[23] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent+0xf3) [0xb7a6a65d]
[24] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN12QApplication14internalNotifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x274)
[25] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x578)
[26] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN12QApplication20sendSpontaneousEventEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x5b)
[27] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN9QETWidget19translateMouseEventEPK7_XEvent+0xefb)
[28] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN12QApplication15x11ProcessEventEP7_XEvent+0xbfc)
[29] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop13processEventsEj+0x108) [0xb7971180]
[30] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop9enterLoopEv+0x70) [0xb79e5136]
[31] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop4execEv+0x32) [0xb79e4f46]
[32] /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN12QApplication4execEv+0x25) [0xb79cc609]
[33] ./SMSTools [0x81f0822]
[34] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdc) [0xb6b8debc]
[35] ./SMSTools(_ZN7QDialog9qt_invokeEiP8QUObject+0x6d) [0x80d8da1]
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CLAM::ErrAssertionFailed'
what(): Configuring a Processing with a configuration not being the
proper type.
./run_smstools.sh: line 3: 28440 Cancelado (core dumped)
so, i could not compare them until now...
any of you have SMSTools working with harmonizer or morph?
> > Analysis and Synthesis configurations are default ones...
> >
> > I've also tried with CLAM_OPTIMIZATION=1 but sound quaility turns very poor...
> >
> That is very strange, I am using this flag on a daily basis with no
> problems... on OSX though. We should put this
> on the list of todos. Even if sound quality is very poor... how about
> performance. Does the performance gain
> seem to be good enough that this might deserve some investigation?
i'll re-test it and provide audio examples and a better report about
this (i didn't take care of performance, only about artifacts)
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