[Clam-devel] mac devel environment question

Greg Kellum greg.kellum at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 02:05:15 PDT 2007

Hi Bennett,

I'm using CLAM on a Mac.  Um...  I used eclipse as an IDE for a  
while, but it was pretty slow, because I don't have much memory.  So,  
I went back to using jEdit with the terminal.  I never even tried  
using XCode although I've used XCode a lot in the past because I  
wasn't sure how to get XCode to call scons.  It would be nice to be  
able to use XCode to debug, but I'm not sure how you'd go about  
launching the code you wanted to debug.  Have you tried eclipse?


On Aug 11, 2007, at 12:03 AM, bennett kolasinski wrote:

> a) is anyone out there developing for CLAM primarily on a Mac?
> b) if (a), what is your development environment?  I am using  
> TextMate [macromates.com ] & Terminal, but I am interested in  
> getting CLAM development working in XCode.  If nobody's done that  
> yet, then when GSoC winds down (& I catch my breath) I may start  
> looking into that.
> B
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