[Clam-devel] how to Ladspa Plugin ?

Pau Arumí parumi at iua.upf.edu
Fri Nov 16 03:21:17 PST 2007

On dv, 2007-11-16 at 18:32 +0800, globot wrote:
> hi,
> i have a stupid question today,
> I made a network using NE, there is ladspa plugin inside. But when i 
> load this network with my sotware have an error message :
> "Error creating a processing object of type 'hpf1' which is not available."
> 'hpf1' should be a "Simple High Pass Filter" (id: 1042 or 1052)
> So is there something special to do to automaticly scan ladspa plugin ? 
> like NE do... Because i don't have any messages telling me . "[LADSPA 
> Plugins] looking at path '/path' "

this seems easy.
look at NetworkEditor/src/ProcessingTree.cxx line 187
	RunTimeLadspaLibraryLoader ladspaLoader;

so this is all you need to do to load ladspas in the processing factory.


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