[Clam-devel] [Fwd: [MUSIC-IR] Web Services for audio feature extraction and self-organizing music maps]
Xavier Amatriain
xavier at amatriain.net
Wed Feb 6 09:55:49 PST 2008
Interesting... we should think about doing a CLAM webservice :-) Actually I remember we did talk about this some time ago, maybe in the next GSoC?
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [MUSIC-IR] Web Services for audio feature extraction and
self-organizing music maps
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 12:46:50 +0100
From: Thomas Lidy <lidy at ifs.tuwien.ac.at>
To: music-ir at listes.ircam.fr
Dear MIR community,
We, the MIR group of the Institute of Software Technology and
Interactive Systems (IFS) at TU Vienna, Austria, would like to announce
our audio feature extraction and (SOM) music map training web services,
online (already a while) at:
Via this URL, two services are available:
- The extraction of three feature sets (Rhythm Patterns, Statistical
Spectrum Descriptors and Rhythm Histograms) from audio data (mp3 or wav)
via the web. Descriptors are returned in a space separated ASCII file
(SOMLib format, described on the web page).
- While these features can be used in your own applications (e.g. for
playlist recommendation, music classification, etc.), we also provide a
service that trains Self-Organizing Maps, which contain an automatic
organization (clustering) of a music collection.
A demo client as well as the interface descriptions, which enable the
implementation and usage of these web services in your own applications,
is provided.
Further details and links to background information and according
publications are provided at:
Feel free to instantly try out the Java Web Start demo client!
Kind regards,
Thomas Lidy
Andreas Rauber
Jakob Frank
Vienna University of Technology
mir group @ Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems
Information and Software Engineering Group
Favoritenstrasse 9-11/188/1
A-1040 Wien
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