[Clam-devel] ...

Natanael Olaiz nolaiz at gmail.com
Sat Mar 29 15:51:25 PDT 2008


I resumed some ideas taked from the CLAM GSoC wiki, that I would like to 
do... All are applied to Annotator, and all related to the extractors 
and descriptors management... but there are maybe too unordered because 
I take some goals of different points. So, my questions are:
    - Is that wrong?
    - Are the proposed objetives too much (/little) to realize in 3 months?
    - Anything more to say?...

Thanks in advance.

The list:

*Improve the descriptors/extractors implementations on the Annotator*

    - Create an extractor using aubio library
    - Implement a VAMP plugin host for using new extractors
    - Improve the auralization and visualization/editor capabilities with:
        - making a multiple-parameter frame-based visualization on a 
single evolution view
        - adding a text data-entry frame for edit/enter data within 
evolution views
        - adding parametrization and midi-output support for the descriptors
    - Make a merger descriptor interface, capable to export the 
parameters not only to a XML file, but also a MIDI file (helping to make 
extractor-analysis based automatizations on external software)

Best regards,

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