[Clam-devel] ...

Xavier Amatriain xavier at amatriain.net
Sat Mar 29 16:06:41 PDT 2008

Hi Natael,

Your proposed ideas sound good. Although they are in fact a little 
"unrelated" they are all in the context of the Annotator
so that sounds like a way to go. As a matter of fact more than ordering 
them by how they are related they should be
organized by priority so this will define your working plan (i.e. where 
you get started).

My feeling is that they are too much for 3 months. But the fact that 
they are independent tasks makes it really positive
to have too many. Once you work in detail with your mentor you will be 
able to prioritize them. Your mentor should also
then define what percentage of them marks the "passed" grade that you 
need to get from us in order to succeed in the

Does that sound like a plan? :-)

Natanael Olaiz wrote:
> Hi!
> I resumed some ideas taked from the CLAM GSoC wiki, that I would like 
> to do... All are applied to Annotator, and all related to the 
> extractors and descriptors management... but there are maybe too 
> unordered because I take some goals of different points. So, my 
> questions are:
>    - Is that wrong?
>    - Are the proposed objetives too much (/little) to realize in 3 
> months?
>    - Anything more to say?...
> Thanks in advance.
> The list:
> *Improve the descriptors/extractors implementations on the Annotator*
>    - Create an extractor using aubio library
>    - Implement a VAMP plugin host for using new extractors
>    - Improve the auralization and visualization/editor capabilities with:
>        - making a multiple-parameter frame-based visualization on a 
> single evolution view
>        - adding a text data-entry frame for edit/enter data within 
> evolution views
>        - adding parametrization and midi-output support for the 
> descriptors
>    - Make a merger descriptor interface, capable to export the 
> parameters not only to a XML file, but also a MIDI file (helping to 
> make extractor-analysis based automatizations on external software)
> Best regards,
> Natanael.
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