[Clam-devel] Errors in Tests under MacOSX

Pau Arumí parumi at iua.upf.edu
Wed May 7 10:34:43 PDT 2008

> !!!FAILURES!!!
> Test Results:
> Run:  1039   Failures: 2   Errors: 0
> 1) test: Simac::Test::SemitoneCenterFinderTest::testSeveralFrames (F)
> line: 135 UnitTests/TonalAnalysis/SemitoneCenterFinderTest.cxx
> equality assertion failed
> - Expected: 0.4
> - Actual  : 0.400000005960464
> 2) test:
> Simac::Test::SemitoneCenterFinderTest::testBorderTunning_roundsToTheFirstDecimalDown (F) line: 71 UnitTests/TonalAnalysis/SemitoneCenterFinderTest.cxx
> equality assertion failed
> - Expected: 1.9
> - Actual  : 2

Hummm, this is bad. This mac/linux disparity probably shows an
underlying error that should be fixed.
So, since you need GREEN test to develop, locally comment the two
offending unit tests (the lines where the test method gets registered). 
Filing a bug report also would be very helpful.


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