[Clam-devel] Spectral Analysis/Synthesis

Xavier Amatriain xavier at amatriain.net
Sun Feb 17 06:14:33 PST 2008

Hi Karsten,

Did you include the wrong screenshot?

Karsten Krispin wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2008 18:17:11 schrieb Xavier Amatriain:
>> Hope it helps. In any case I recommend that you feed to the process a
>> pure sinusoid, or better still a sweep. This will give you an exact idea
>> of what is going on in the process and you might be able to post a
>> screenshot :-)
> My Synth is now ready to oscillate what the processings are producing. 
> So, here we go. (Screenshot is in atachment)
> There are two Item. One is a sinus-producer, the other one is a filter which 
> currently just does the Analysis/Synthesis and no transform.
> Each drawn wave represent 512 samples. So actually it just draws an 
> CLAM::Audio with size of 512, which has been pushed out by each item. 
> What I corrected in the anal/synth-part with buffers, was creating a temporary 
> buffer of WindowSize and copied the actualy buffer (512 samples), which is to 
> analyse/synthesize, in the middle of the temporary buffer (like Synthesis is 
> reconstructing the Spectrum to Audio).
> In that example it's WindowSize is 2048 and FrameSize is 512.
> Everything is fine now (the Sinus is not disorted anymore), except the fact 
> that in each audio buffer the amplitude in the middle of the buffer is a way 
> smaller than at the edges. This could be pretty good seen in the screenshot. 
> So this results in an extra sinus wave... the same like a (acoustical) beat, 
> obviously.
> Perhaps you know the sympton of that and could tell me something about it.
> I guess this has something todo with windowing, but I've got no clue. 
> Window-Size and Window-Type are the same in Anal and Synth. 
> Thanks and greetings from sunny but cold lower rhine,
> Karsten
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