[Clam-devel] GSoC deadline extension

Natanael Olaiz nolaiz at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 17:18:49 PDT 2008


I submitted a proposal, but I didn't received any mentor comments yet. 
I'll be glad to receive any critics about it, so I can improve before 
the new deadline.

And I've a question. I read that June proposal is about Annotator merger 
and web services... Mine is about merger/extractor interfaces... Are 
both related, but I don't know if necessarily exclusives. So, what the 
mentors and June thinks about review our proposals to see if can we make 
both compatibles between them?

(I made a copy of my proposal in 

Thanks in advance,
Natanael Olaiz.

Xavier Amatriain wrote:
> For those of you still struggling to get your proposal in, not that 
> there has been a deadline extension and you can work on it until next 
> Monday. However, if you are in that situation, please make sure to 
> make yourself heard through the clam-devel mailing list or contacting 
> the mentors directly.
> X
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