[Clam-devel] ProcessingTree patch: if the processing box have an icon, show it on the tree
Natanael Olaiz
nolaiz at gmail.com
Tue May 6 08:01:23 PDT 2008
El 05/06/2008 05:52 AM, Pau Arumí Albó escribió:
> El dt 06 de 05 del 2008 a les 05:00 -0300, en/na Natanael Olaiz va
> escriure:
>> El 05/06/2008 04:22 AM, David García Garzón escribió:
>>> Cool! Just a suggestion to improve the patch: reduce duplication.
>>> Call GetValueFromAttribute once and store it in a var. If it is empty then
>>> assign it to "processing.png". Then call setIcon once.
>> Like this? (If I don't get first all the values I get a segmentation
>> fault...)
>> Is not simpler to read in the other way?
> I found it slightly better the second way.
> Commit 11350. Thanks!
> Natanael, you'll have to revert your changes since i made minor var
> renaming on your patch. (Ups, i have to remember to commit "as is" and
> then modify. This should avoid conflicts with the patch owner)
> BTW, tabs are ok this time.
> Every (interface) new feature, a new picture (Natanael, make yourself
> the honors next time)
> http://iua-share.upf.edu/wikis/clam/index.php/Image:ProcessingTreeWithIcons.png
Sorry about that. I just didn't though it as a commitable change. :)
> A simple yet great usability feature. As a side effect i foresee that
> people will add more icons now :-)
BTW, the Tunner monitor points to "tunner.svg" and SpectrogramMonitor to
"none.svg", both which doesn't exist.
Best regards,
PS: I go to the University now. When I come back at night I'll change
the plan in the wiki and the google info, and reply your private mail
about it.
> P
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