[Clam-devel] ProcessingTree patch: if the processing box have an icon, show it on the tree

Natanael Olaiz nolaiz at gmail.com
Wed May 7 02:22:25 PDT 2008

El 05/06/2008 07:28 PM, David García Garzón escribió:
>>> Every (interface) new feature, a new picture (Natanael, make yourself
>>> the honors next time)
>>> http://iua-share.upf.edu/wikis/clam/index.php/Image:ProcessingTreeWithIco
>>> ns.png
>> Sorry about that. I just didn't though it as a commitable change. :)
> If you can show something, even if not commited, even if it is a fake, take a 
> photo ;-)
OK :)

>>> A simple yet great usability feature. As a side effect i foresee that
>>> people will add more icons now :-)
>> BTW, the Tunner monitor points to "tunner.svg" and SpectrogramMonitor to
>> "none.svg", both which doesn't exist.
> I added a very simple icon for the tunner based on the polarpeaks and i just 
> made the spectrogram point to spectrogram.svg which already existed.
> Missing metadata for some monitors was also added.
> You are adding really a quick and cool features, Natanael. :-)

Thank you. These little hacks helps me to learn about the platform in a 
funny way. :)

> What i tried to tell you in my previous mail is that the code would be cleaner 
> if you decide first which is the icon name for the processing (processing.svg 
> or something from the factory) and then building the full path, the icon and 
> setting the icon once. You almost got the idea but this patch i just commited 
> shows the difference:
Oh, OK. Thanks for the advice and corrections.
BTW, what do you think about defining the key previously, and search for 
the description in a similar way that the icon? (see attached patch)

Best regards,
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