[Clam-devel] Copy & Paste processings on canvas patch

Natanael Olaiz nolaiz at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 01:47:17 PDT 2008

El 06/10/2008 05:15 AM, David García Garzón escribió:
> On Dimarts 10 Juny 2008, Natanael Olaiz wrote:
>> El 06/09/2008 10:31 PM, David García Garzón escribió:
>>> [...]
>>> I also guess that the procAttribMap to store such attributes is a too
>>> generic tool that can become subject of abuse if it is in the api. We are
>>> expected to have some kind of network configuration/attributes and i
>>> don't know if this is missleading when we actually want pos and size.
>>> Just a feeling not a conviction. In this part we are more in Pau's zone.
>> About this point I'll wait for Pau reply, but I want to make a comment:
>> I can pass specific types (i.e. QPoint, QSize) to the network and
>> adapters.. but I'll need to include specific Qt graphic-related headers
>> on that files. Is that OK? I though no, and that was the reason because
>> I made the conversion on NetworkCanvas...
>>> [...]
> You are right, there cannot be Qt types in the network, but i should have 
> tried a different C++ native type such several floats/integers in a 
> setGeometry(x,y,w,h). But i don't dissmiss your option. Just waiting to Pau 
> opinion on how to store them
What about using CLAM::Point types? (I found it yesterday :-))
Just asking. If not, directly integers...

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