[Clam-devel] Re: Patch for Steps of LoadFrom

JunJun wangjun at dsp.ac.cn
Sun Jun 15 23:07:10 PDT 2008

Patch of LoadFromStep7:
implement LoadFrom() in CongtiguousSegmentation, 
and pass unittests.

  Patch of LoadFromStep6:
  add UnsizedSegmentation::addArray(marks, marks+nMarks); and pass test. and confirmed
  that UnsizedSegmentation s(200,marks,marks+nMarks); is equivalent to 
  UnsizedSegmentation s(200); s.addArray(marks, marks+nMarks);

    Patch of LoadFromStep5:
    to test whether DiscontinuousSegmentation s(200,marks,marks+nMarks); is equivalent to 
    DiscontinuousSegmentation s(200); s.addArray(marks, marks+nMarks);
    Not only in testStoreOn(), but also other related tests.
      Patch of LoadFromStep4:
      add DiscontinuousSegmentation::addArray(marks, marks+nMarks); and pass test
        Patch of LoadFromStep3:
        to test whether ContiguousSegmentation s(200,marks,marks+nMarks);
         is equivalent to 
        ContiguousSegmetation s(200); s.addArray(marks, marks+nMarks);
        Not only in testStoreOn() but also in other related tests.
          Patch of LoadFromStep2:
          to test whether ContiguousSegmentation s(200,marks,marks+nMarks); is equivalent to 
          ContiguousSegmetation s(200); s.addArray(marks, marks+nMarks);

            ----- Original Message ----- 
            From: JunJun 
            To: David García Garzón 
            Cc: clam-devel at llistes.projectes.lafarga.org 
            Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 10:39 PM
            Subject: Patch for Steps of LoadFrom 

            > Take just ContiguousSgmentation:
            > We would like to have a virtual function that receives the array. But current 
            > implementation does not receive a CLAM::Array but it is templated as 
            > iterators which is very convenient for other uses (tests). But template and 
            > virtual are incompatible, the first refactoring would be to turn the template 
            > constructor into a constructor receiving just TData* which i think is 
            > compatible with any current use. Just in case, compile, both the annotator 
            > and the tests and pass the tests.
            > Once we turned the constructor into a templateless one, lets do an 'Extract 
            > method' refactoring from the constructor for the data filling part. So, for 
            > each Segmentation add the following method:
            > void takeArray(TData * begin, TData * iterator end)
            > {
            >  // copy here the filling code from the constructor
            > }
            > Then substitute the copied code at the constructor by a call to such method.
            > All the test should be working.

            The patch is of the step above.
            Notice that to make the test pass, I made a forced type change (Iterator->TData), and changed the related type (double->float) of the unittests. That is ugly and requires the "Iterator" datatype must be consistent with "TData".

            > No proceed the same with the rest of the Segmentations sending patches at the 
            > same points.
            > Create a virtual method takeArray on base Segmentation. Should still compile.
            > On SegmentationPane, intead of using the three parameters constructor use the 
            > one parameter one and let's call the takeArray method after the switch. All 
            > the segmentations should still work so try them at Annotator as we did some 
            > days ago.
            > Now, those refactoring have prepared the way for our desired red, the LoadFrom 
            > test. Some hints: you can define an std::istreamstream("With some xml content 
            > to be read") and see how previous tests use the boundsAsString method to get 
            > the actual segmentation content as string.
            > Now you'll try to use the load but now we have a problem: We are missing the 
            > audioDuration parameter. By now, just set it on the constructor. Here we 
            > would need to change the XML format to add such a bound as part of the XML, 
            > this can break a lot of things so this is the perfect point to have a 
            > meeting.
            > -- 
            > David García Garzón
            > (Work) dgarcia at iua dot upf anotherdot es
            > http://www.iua.upf.edu/~dgarcia
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