[Clam-devel] Patch: embedded diagrams widgets for faust plugins
Natanael Olaiz
nolaiz at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 03:52:51 PDT 2008
El 06/25/2008 07:17 AM, Pau Arumí Albó escribió:
> El dl 23 de 06 de 2008 a les 23:16 -0300, en/na Natanael Olaiz va
> escriure:
>>>> Who will use that method?
>> > RunTimeFaustLibraryLoader::SetupLibrary:
>> > std::string pluginName =
>> pluginFullFilename.substr(pluginFullFilename.rfind("/")+1,pluginFullFilename.length());
>> > pluginName = pluginName.substr(0,pluginName.rfind(".")); //
>> crop name without extension
>> >
>> > std::string name =
>> RunTimeLibraryLoader::ExistsDirInPaths("examples/"+pluginName+".dsp-svg");
>> - > if (name == "")
>> + > if (name ! = "")
>> > factory.AddAttribute(oss.str(), "svg_diagram", name);
> I've looked at the semantics of ExistsDirInPath, and they still doesn't
> perfectly match, to me.
> The problem is that ExistsSomethig should return a bool
> What we do in this method is to complete a given subdir, searching the
> proper prefix path in the plugins path lists.
> A suggestion: (note that we don't want/need to specify
> RunTimeLibraryLoader:: )
> std::string svgDiagramDir = CompletePathFor("examples/"+pluginNames
> +".dsp-svg")
> Check all this in, if not done already (I'll use it for the next
> screenshots in my thesis :-) )
If you want to use it on the actual state (still need to change the
semantics) here is the patch.
You can uncomment ProcessingBoxEmbededWidgets line #128 and the widget
will have the diagram size as minimum size... but when you resize the
canvas it have showing issues. Maybe the best choice would be let the
widget get any size and show the complete diagram on a tooltip when you
move the mouse on name/body, or let the user call a browser to view the
SVG within a context menu, or something like that...
> P
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