[Clam-devel] Re: Faust support related tests: reload plugins on factory & launching browser

Natanael Olaiz nolaiz at gmail.com
Fri Jun 27 00:37:57 PDT 2008

A new version. More changes:

    - RunTimeLibraryLoader::Load changed to virtual. 
RunTimeFaustLibraryLoader::Load load the plugins on 
    - Added const char * pathExamplesEnvironmentVar() const { return 
"FAUST_EXAMPLES_PATH"; } on RunTimeFaustLibraryLoader. Not implemented.
    - MainWindow::on_action_Compile_Faust_triggered() first compile, 
then calls a separated 
on_action_Reload_Faust_Plugins_triggered(RunTimeFaustLibraryLoader & 
    - Removed the "make clean", and defined 60 seconds as limit for 
process.waitForFinished(). If I don't have any plugin precompiled my 
machine ends the process before it finished. Maybe this could be managed 
catching  QProcess::finished 
    - Added a lot of debugging messages.

El 06/26/2008 08:24 AM, Natanael Olaiz escribió:
> Pau: here is an experimental patch for faust support. It has some 
> semantics errors (for instance, s/swap/replace), and the compilation 
> doesn't work (I have to check that, in previous tests it worked).. but 
> it does:
>    - Allows to launch browser to view SVG diagrams from the processing 
> context menu. A question: I'm sending a signal from the canvas to open 
> the browser to be checked from MainMenu... I don't like it so much, 
> but I did it in that way to doesn't allow launch a browser directly on 
> canvas. Any suggestion about that?
>    - Allows to reload the faust plugins instead loading another 
> instance. It requires some factory changes. What do you think about 
> this solution? (out of the bad name of "swap"...)
> Regards,
> Natanael.

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