[Clam-devel] Addressing foreign text encodings: a call for testing

JunJun wangjun at dsp.ac.cn
Mon Jul 7 00:11:43 PDT 2008

- Recompile the last svn revision of the NetworkEditor 
   QTDIR=D:/qt/4.3.3/ scons clam_prefix=d:/mingw/local prefix=d:/mingw/local external_dll_path=d:/mingw/local/bin
  An unexpected error is showed: "can not locate the program input point _ZN4...SsEE on the clam_core.dll"
  I just fix it by copy the NetworkEditor.exe and paste to the path of /mingw/local/lib 
- Open it and drop a MonoAudioFileReader into the canvas 
- Configure it to take a file which has some special characters in your  
- If the processing is still in red after clicking ok, you got the bug, report 
  It's not in red after clicking "ok".
- Open the configuration dialog again if the special symbol is being displayed  
wrongly, report 
  It displays just fine.
- Accept the configuration again, if now red, report 
  Still no problem.
- Save the network and load it again, if now red, report 
  When I load it again, the NetworkEditor crashes!!
- Configure the processing, if the symbol now looks bad, report 
- In any case, send me the network file so i can check the file encoding. If  
you open it with an encoding aware editor, the symbols should look well in  
utf8 mode. 
  No, I think it doesn't look well in utf8 mode. 
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