[Clam-devel] Aggregator

JunJun wangjun at dsp.ac.cn
Tue Jul 22 22:53:12 PDT 2008

>> Jun, i just changed the extractors path to be pathless, this is it should 
>> require the executables to be in the path. An 'scons install' should do the 
>> magic provided that your XX:/mingw/local/bin is in the PATH. I also removed 
>> the exe extension as i guess it is not needed to run an executable in windows 
>> and this way is compatible with linux that has no executable extension. Just 
>> try current status and tell me whether it works. Delete previous pool files.

> yes, an exe extension is not needed. Yet, I used to report a problem that after 
> "scons install", the files which should be installed into XX:/mingw/local/bin  
> were installed into the same path with the SConstruct instead. Remember? Why?  
> So I have to copy the executables manually to the path.

Well, forget the babble above. :P, and focus on the babble below:

Problem 1:
About the path management, I did a series test for Windows:
os.access("D:\\devel\\Annotator\\ClamExtractorExample.exe", os.X_OK)
os.access("D:/devel/Annotator/ClamExtractorExample.exe", os.X_OK)
os.access("D:/devel/Annotator/ClamExtractorExample", os.X_OK)
os.access("ClamExtractorExample.exe", os.X_OK)
false, (even if the executable is in the path.)

I think the os.access works a different way for unix/Windows. Check this:

Anyway,I just set a hard "true" for that os.access and go on the test.

Problem 2:
sources = [
 ("example", FileMetadataSource(path=".",
  poolSuffix=".example",             ---> ".pool"

I've commited the modification.

Problem 3:
The Annotator doesn't work correctly after I recompiled and installed Clam and Annotator.
It pops an exception information and the output window gives:
Loading frame level data...
Object::connect: No such slot Annotator::whatsThis()
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'helpWhatsThisAction')
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'Annotator')
Object::connect: No such signal AuralizationPlayer::stopTime(double)
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'Annotator')
Project file: D:/devel/Annotator/example-data/Chords.pro at Base D:/devel/Annota
Saving previous song descriptors...
Adapting Interface to Song level descriptors...
Adapting Interface to Frame level descriptors...
Adapting Interface to Segmentations...
Updating schema browser...
Creating instant views...
User interface adapted to the new schema.
Saving previous song descriptors...
Loading descriptors...
Filling global descriptors...
Refressing song data...
Drawing audio...
AudioLoader 0 created...
uf, why is that?
so I have to take an previous Annotator (version 0.3.10) and continue the test.
After all, the test is done and the screenshot has been updated. (Nice childScopes!)

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