[Clam-devel] Aggregator

JunJun wangjun at dsp.ac.cn
Thu Jul 24 18:39:29 PDT 2008

Here is a patch of adding Config attribute to Project. Yet the test gives a problem, that is, if the extractor is a python script (AggregationExtractor.py), shown as below. It can not be launched by Annotator. The screenshot showing this problem is also given in the attachment.
Executing 'D:/devel/Annotator/scripts/AggregationExtractor.py ../example-data/SongsTest/Debaser-
WoodenHouse.mp3 -f .aggregatedPool -c D:/devel/Annotator/example-data/AggregatorConfig.conf'

To confirm that the above problem is caused by the python script, AggregationExtractor.py is translated to AggregationExtractor.exe (for Windows) with the tool py2exe. It works just fine, shown as  below:
Executing 'D:/devel/Annotator/scripts/dist/AggregationExtractor.exe ../example-data/SongsTest/Debaser-WoodenHouse.mp3 -f .aggregatedPool -c D:/devel/Annotator/example-data/AggregatorConfig.conf'
Processing ../example-data/SongsTest/Debaser-WoodenHouse.mp3... 
++ Building aggregation script... 
++ Querying descriptors from example... 
++ Querying descriptors from chord... 
++ Aggregating... 


So, I think that's a problem of launching .py script in Annotator. I've no idea how to solve this by far. Anybody?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David García Garzón" <dgarcia at iua.upf.edu>
To: "JunJun" <wangjun at dsp.ac.cn>
Cc: <clam-devel at llistes.projectes.lafarga.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Clam-devel] Aggregator

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