[Clam-devel] [Fwd: Re: [Faudiostream-devel] crosscompiling vst plugins]

David García Garzón dgarcia at iua.upf.edu
Wed Aug 6 05:13:39 PDT 2008

On Dimecres 06 Agost 2008, Pau Arumí wrote:
> Faust developers report that VST Windows plugins work being
> (cross)compiled from Linux-mingw. Therefore, VST is waiting to make a
> triumphal entrance to the NE's "generate plugin" feature -- that is,
> waiting for someone that takes care :-)

It is the next think I wanted to do after Ladspa, but taking a look at Pol 
code i decided to wait until we meet and approach Jack/PortAudio apps first. 
Well this mail, and the rest of faust code, helps a lot but i would like to 
have two things first:

- I remember that Pau sent an emal about some the people that had the 
interface with qt working but i don't find it. Since it is likely that i lost 
some mails i would be glad if someone forwards me.

- The vst sdk: Steimberg requires much personal data i would be glad if 
someone at clam already downloaded it. I also remember that some project 
(lmms) had built a inverse engineered gpl SDK. What about that?

David García Garzón
(Work) dgarcia at iua dot upf anotherdot es
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