[Clam-devel] CLAM & Testfarm: some comments and questions

Pau Arumí parumi at iua.upf.edu
Fri Nov 14 07:22:04 PST 2008

El dj 13 de 11 de 2008 a les 00:00 -0200, en/na Hernán Ordiales va
> hi all, i'm back after the mentor summit where i had the opportunity
> to meet david (finally not also parumi, what a pity!)
> Trying to get a testfarm client working i noticed some things. I got
> it working locally but i'd like to send the data to the main testfarm
> server, specially to test some pyclam related things.
> First, i'm not sure if it's possible to connect to the server beyond
> the LAN where it is, is possible? which url should i use? i tried many
> ones with no success (http://clam.iua.upf.edu/testfarm/, some IP based
> from scripts, etc)

Try this:
remote_server_url = 'http://ocata48123.upf.es/testfarm_server'

> About the client example in the repo, seems the script is hardcoded to
> look for testfarm in ~/testfarm/src, so why not look for it in the
> standard installed path?
> To achieve this i had to import, after installing it with 'sudo python
> install.py' of course, in this way (i'm sending the patch as an
> atachment)
> from testfarm.task import *
> from testfarm.project import Project
> from testfarm.client import Client
> from testfarm.runner import Runner
> I had to comment the line 'from commands import getoutput' because i
> couldn't find the 'commands' module in any place (neither testfarm nor
> clam repo)
> i also had to comment the 'first_run_always = False' line at the end
> of the script to get it working
> are you using a different version than the one at testfarm repo?

Yes I have local modifications because issues with the sourceforge
subversion (I'm not able to commit :-( )

> If someone wants to test pyclam, these are the tasks you need to add
> to the testfarm client:

> clam.add_subtask('pyCLAM update', [
>     'cd %(sandbox)s/CLAM/pyclam'%localDefinitions,
>     {CMD:'svn log -r BASE:HEAD', INFO: lambda x:x },
>     './generate_bindings.py && scons',
> ] )
> clam.add_subtask('pyCLAM Unit Tests', [
>     'cd %(sandbox)s/CLAM/pyclam'%localDefinitions,
>     'cd test',
>     {INFO : lambda x:startTimer() },
>     {CMD: './UnitTestsSuite.py'},
>     {STATS : lambda x:{'exectime_unittests' : ellapsedTime()} },
> ] )

Nice! I'll integrate it soon

BTW, let's try to meet at #clam next week to chat about this and other



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