[Clam-devel] Re: VST plugins with qt interface!

Andreas Beisler ebfx at smartelectronix.com
Wed Apr 15 04:09:06 PDT 2009

I succeeded reparenting the system window that we get from the host as a 
QWidget. It just worked the straight-forward way by just compiling with 
static runtime (/MT).
When I tested reparenting the system window with dynamic runtime (/MD) 
nothing happened.

There are still some open issues tho. I.e. the test if qApp exists is 
not really working for a DLL. It basically creates a new QApplication 
every time you instantiate a plugin.
The good thing is: I got someone from trolltech who will spend his next 
'creative friday' on the open issues to open up qt to the vst world.

I'll keep you updated.

David García Garzón wrote:
> Yes, also when i did weird things happened. I deduced that you cannot turn 
> that window a QWidget because then Qt overwrites the callbacks of the host for 
> that window. So i created a child in the win32 way and then use it for the 
> QWidget.
> Notice that i fixed a couple of bugs. An updated version is in:
> http://clam-
> project.org/clam/trunk/CLAM/examples/PluginExamples/VstPluginExample/
> And the interesting (and clam independent bits, regardless the name), are in 
> QClamVstEditor.*xx
> This is very experimental stuff but I cannot dedicate time on this for some 
> time, so if you manage to enhance the behaviour, i would be very glad if you 
> can report it back.
> David.
> A Tuesday 14 April 2009 20:02:05, Andreas Beisler va escriure:
>> Hi David,
>> I just had a quick look at the spike solution for creating vst plugins
>> with a qt gui.
>> In QADelayEditor-0001.cpp I saw that you took the window handle that the
>> vst host passes to you and then you created a child window for that,
>> which is a QWidget.
>> Is there any way to re-use the window handle from the host directly?
>> I did some preliminary tests, but it failed. It just worked by creating
>> a new child window.
>> Best regards,
>> Andreas
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