[Clam-devel] VST plugins with qt interface!
David García Garzón
dgarcia at iua.upf.edu
Mon Mar 2 04:02:22 PST 2009
I am on an spike on what we need to make vst plugins first class clam
citizens. I fully solved croscompiling vst's from linux and I event started
using qt interfaces as vst gui. In that last point, there still is a lot of
work to do, but the basic question on whether you can use qt to edit a vst
plugin is now out of any doubt.
To make the spike simpler, and in order not to collide with other CLAM
developers, i just let apart all the CLAM wrapping part, just addressing vst
crosscompiling and Qt with the sdk examples.
Cross compilation was pretty easy. This time I found lot more documentation on
mingw and even scons[1]. Just by adding the crossmingw scons tool we are
already using for the apps and i got some Linux compiled plugins running on
Wine [2].
[1] http://learnvst.wordpress.com/
[2] http://clam-project.org/wiki/Image:Vst-crosscompiling.png
Adding a regular user intercaces is just a matter of compiling both the vstgui
and editor sources[3] that comes in the sdk.
VSTGUI is just a full toolkit implementing the 'editor interface' and a
toolkit with some provided widgets and, i guess, a way of automating the
binding of controls to processing.
So what we need for qt is to implement the AEffEditor interface using the qt
toolkit instead. The problem is that you are provided a system window handle,
if you create a widget with no parent it will be a top level and the window
for the plugin is an empty one[4].
[4] http://clam-project.org/wiki/Image:Vst-qttoplevel.png
How do you create a widget on an existing window handle? Months ago trolls
redirected me to a commercial solution, and i was digging in windows qt source
code for a hack when i found the answer just at the public and multiplatform
QWidget api. QWidget::create works like a charm. The following simple class is
a native window wrapper you can use as a regular QWidget.
class QVstWindow : public QWidget
QVstWindow(WId handle) {create(handle);}
QVstWindow::~QVstWindow() {}
Still there are some issues: focus handling, reopening, drag&drop... But the
basic mouse clicking and resizing works[5]
[5] http://clam-project.org/wiki/Image:Vst-qt.png
Once i got that, loading a designer ui file[6] was very easy.
[6] http://clam-project.org/wiki/Image:Vst-designer.png
As I said there are still many caveats to solve. A matter of playing with it
and refining things.
- Communicate controls up and down
- Handle focus and other events properly
- Build a network wrapper which reensembles more the one for LADSPA
- Embed network and interface files (DONE)
- Wiki documentation on how to do one
- One button plugin generator ;-)
I attatch the files for the examples. Interesting bits are in QADelayEditor.*
David García Garzón
(Work) dgarcia at iua dot upf anotherdot es
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