[Clam-devel] sound file players plugin

Natanael Olaiz nolaiz at gmail.com
Mon Feb 2 03:01:22 PST 2009

El 01/20/2009 10:35 PM, Pau Arumí escribió:
> El dt 20 de 01 de 2009 a les 22:07 +0100, en/na Natanael Olaiz va
> escriure:
>> Hi all!,
>> I commited some changes on SndfilePlayer, until David make me realize 
>> that would be better to do the changes directly on the new 
>> LockFreeSndfilePlayer... so I applied those and others few changes on 
>> it. There is pending some refactoring on the code, but anyway: what do 
>> you think to delete the old SndFilePlayer to avoid the code duplication 
>> (maybe moving it to SndfilePlayer then)?
> Agree. I think the duplication only had sense during a while for testing
> the stability of the threaded lock-free version.

Done with the player:

    /r12636 | nolaiz | 2009-02-02 11:58:17 +0100 (Mon, 02 Feb 2009) | 3

     * CLAM/plugins/sndfile/SndfilePlayer: removed
     * CLAM/plugins/sndfile/LockFreeSndfilePlayer: renamed to SndfilePlayer

The next step should be with the writer, but I want to revise them first...

Best regards,

>> And BTW, I'm doing this trying to implement a kind of sampler... and 
>> thinking about this I would like to be able to use 
>> regions/marks/pointers on the sound files to make the seek easier to 
>> prepare on a sound file whithin an editor... But 1) as I see, libsndfile 
>> doesn't support that marks. 2) I don't know if there is a Linux audio 
>> editor which allow to make that marks (I remember that Cool Edit -actual 
>> "Audition"- does it, and CSound can read it)... does anyone know 
>> something about that?
> Take a look at Specimen and Swami projects.
> P 
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