[Clam-devel] clam load question

Pau Arumí pau.arumi at barcelonamedia.org
Thu Oct 29 10:55:26 PDT 2009

Hi Dirk,

the problem is in the ladspa spatialization plugin you have installed.
To avoid the problem either uninstall it, or fix it by opening the
network related to the bformat2binarual plugin and change the
configurations that look for the files not found (Ex.wav, etc)


El dj 29 de 10 de 2009 a les 15:57 +0100, en/na Dirk Griffioen va
> Hi,
> After updating recently, I now get the following messages (see below).
> Do I need to update something, or generate (I tried to generate the 
> hrtfs anew, but that did not help).ç
> CLAM LADSPA: Error while configuring CLAM network based plugin 
> 'bformat2binaural'.
> * Processing 'ImpulseResponseLoader W' is misconfigured:
> Configuring the inner AudioFileReader:
> The audio file 'Ew.wav' could not be opened
> * Processing 'ImpulseResponseLoader X' is misconfigured:
> Configuring the inner AudioFileReader:
> The audio file 'Ex.wav' could not be opened
> * Processing 'ImpulseResponseLoader Y' is misconfigured:
> Configuring the inner AudioFileReader:
> The audio file 'Ey.wav' could not be opened
> * Processing 'ImpulseResponseLoader Z' is misconfigured:
> Configuring the inner AudioFileReader:
> The audio file 'Ez.wav' could not be opened
> Plugin not loaded.
> CLAM LADSPA: Error while configuring CLAM network based plugin 
> 'mono2binaural'.
> * Processing 'HRTFDatabaseFetcher2' is misconfigured:
> Could not open the file ../../../../acustica/HRTFs/mitKemarFullL.hrtfs
> Plugin not loaded.
> Best, Dirk
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