[clam-devel] CLAM changes for ipyclam

Xavier Serra Román xvr.serra at gmail.com
Mon May 9 08:11:50 PDT 2011

Hi guys!

For the purpose of developing ipyclam I need to do
some minor changes to the CLAM API.

The changes will making the typedef Peers from
OutConnectorBase public. This change needs to be
done in order to be able to explore the peers from an
outcontrol in the ipyclam proxy and thus be able
to generate the info for all the control connections

The second one will be adding the peers methods
(Begin..., End...) to InControl. This one is necessary
for the proxy function connectorPeers, which returns a
list with the (processingName, connectorname) peers of 
a given connector. The only connector missing this
functionality are the incontrols.


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